Media ei pääse yksimielisyyteen siitä, missä on ilmastonmuutoksen kriittinen käännekohta, piste, josta ei ole paluuta:
Media Can’t Agree on the Number of Climate Tipping Points, Much less WhenTai edes niiden lukumäärästä:
Following the publication of story in The Guardian by Damian Carrington last week, titled, “World on brink of five ‘disastrous’ climate tipping points, study finds,” numerous corporate media outlets picked up the theme and ran their own stories. Based on a single study, titled “Exceeding 1.5°C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points,” The Guardian and many other news outlets wrote stories treating the study’s speculative claims as proven, although they couldn’t agree on the number of tipping points: The Guardian said five, the BBC said six, and Grist says seven. CBS News, erring on the conservative side, says four.
Claims that the earth faces a climate tipping point beyond which disaster looms are not new, and the present claims are no more likely to be true or supported by evidence than previous such claims were. There is no data or measureable trend which provides scientifically sound evidence that the earth is hurtling towards an apocalyptic climate tipping point, or even that such tipping points exist.
Mutta siitä se on hyvin yksimielinen, että hyvin lähellä ne ovat. Ei sitten enää siitä, kuinka lähellä. "Tipping pointeilla" on jo
oma historiansa, jota Joshin pilapiirros tuossa hyvin esittelee.
Siinä mielessä Lomborg (ks. juuri edellä) on kiusallinen, että hän lukee IPCC:n raportteja. Jotka eivät puhu "tipping pointeista".