Norjan luomutilanteesta on ollut heikosti tietoa. Tässä nyt jonkin verran uutta tietoa Journal of Cleaner Production -lehden artikkelin perusteella:
Norwegian strategies to up organic consumption are failing, say researchers. edellinen hallitus asetti tavoitteeksi 15 % luomua kulutuksesta vuonna 2020, mutta kaikista luomun tukitoimista huolimatta kulutus on noin 1 % (rahassa mittattuna, ilmeisesti vuoden 2012 tieto). Mielipidetutkimuksen mukaan kuluttajien asenteet ovat kehittyneet Norjassa viime aikoina luomun kannalta kielteisempään suuntaan.
The previous Norwegian government said it wanted organic food to make up 15% of food consumption by 2020. Between 2003 and 2012 more than 40 million NOK (€4.34m) was spent on development support for production and consumption of organic food. Despite this, the market share of organic food in Norway has increased only marginally and accounts for about 1% of the total food market.
“From a policy perspective it is alarming that more people say that they find no benefits from purchasing organic food. Among many of the respondents there appears to be almost an active resistance against organic food,” they wrote in the Journal of Cleaner Production.
Artikkelissa lisää tietoa:
However for other factors such as trust in the labelling system
and quality of organic food, the perceptions have become more
negative. Most important, more consumers saw no benefits from
buying organic food in 2013 than in 2000. The negative trend in
consumers' perception of organic products will have significant
implications in terms of achieving the established ambitious political
goals, and it questions the present policy strategy towards
organic food.