Author Topic: Torjunta-aineiden todella aiheuttamat haitat  (Read 270048 times)

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Torjunta-aineiden todella aiheuttamat haitat
« Reply #735 on: 18.01.25 - klo:05:10 »
Kun mm. torjunta-ainejäämät ovat äärimmäisen pieniä, yhteisvaikutusteoriasta on luomupiireissä tullut kovasti suosittu.

Hank Campbell siitä:

Viewpoint: ‘Chemical cocktail’ speculation is homeopathic hysteria

Blood samples of pregnant women have detectable levels of chemicals and that ‘chemical cocktail’ may pose [a] “neurotoxic risk”, according to a paper published in Science whose senior author is strangely on the board of reviewing editors at Science.

This “chemical cocktail” nomenclature has been popular among activists like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other environmental lawyers for decades because it needs no science, it instead means science ‘needs more testing’, and there will never be enough testing.

Despite no harm in homeopathic levels of hundreds of chemicals found in blood samples collected from 2006 to 2008, they [declared] a “toxic exposome” may be causing disease and developmental disorders in kids who were exposed to these endocrine-disrupting and neurotoxic substances.
(lihav. HJ)

Ja mitkä aineet tällöin usein vapautetaan epäilyistä (jo etukäteen, lihav. HJ):

Using their custom version of toxic, they blast the A-Team of Progressive Chemical Scaremongering: chemicals, except those certified organic; pesticides, except those certified organic; pharmaceuticals, we must assume they didn’t get the message that the left suddenly loves Big Pharma now; cosmetics like makeup and skin cream; food, like the “ultra-processed” and seed oils that are popular to demonize on social media; and for anything else not covered a blanket endogenous compounds.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Torjunta-aineiden todella aiheuttamat haitat
« Reply #736 on: 29.01.25 - klo:05:07 »
Hank Campbell hänestä (ja Trumpin hallinnossa muotoutuvasta linjasta) edelleen:

No, the modern world is not killing us–Viewpoint: RFK. Jr.’s reckless war on food and agriculture

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his Children’s Defense Fund and his work as a trial lawyer for Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has always been in a war against science. He has been at war for decades. He sued over the COVID-19 vaccine, as you’d expect from his wealthy white perch where organic food and supplement shoppers also reside, but really only shot to prominence outside the anti-vaccine and organic food industry when he abandoned his presidential campaign and endorsed Republican Donald Trump.

His goal, he claimed, was a spin on Make America Great Again – Make America Healthy Again.

It’s laudable. With cigarettes continuing to decline and government finally getting serious about the addictive carcinogen that gets a cultural free pass – alcohol – obesity could surpass both and become the top lifestyle killer.

Yet Kennedy doesn’t want to help humans violate our biological mandate due to hundreds of thousands of years of evolution – we don’t know when our next meal will be, eat what you can now – and encourage us to treat food like an essential commodity, he wants to ban gimmicks and populist fads like “ultra-processed food”, whatever that means this week. Just like when he worked at NRDC or when the Obama administration gave his solar company a gigantic payday for nothing.(1)

One thing that “ultra-processed” and “organic pesticides” and others face is that their claims are only based on epidemiology. No science involved. You just have to believe.

If Big Pharma and Big Food and Big Chemical are all looking for new ways to kill us (or at least make us ill so Big Medicine can make money treating us), where are the bodies?

Aivan. Hän ei toimi Suomessa. Mutta olemme monesti nähneet, miten nopeasti erilaiset hysteriat liikkuvat USA:sta Suomeen.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Torjunta-aineiden todella aiheuttamat haitat
« Reply #737 on: 06.02.25 - klo:06:10 »
Tässä sen läpikäynti, mitkä torjunta-aineet ovat luomussa sallittuja:

The list of organic pesticides approved by the USDA

Sehän on jo monesti todettu, että hyväksymiskriteerinä ei ole turvalllisuus.

Käsitteääkseni USA:n ja EU:n luomusäännöt eivät vielä toisistaan eroa.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Torjunta-aineiden todella aiheuttamat haitat
« Reply #738 on: Today at 06:10 »
Tuohon perään GLP:ssä esitetty (odotteleva) arvio:

Viewpoint: Will Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s health, food and farming policies be as wacky and dangerous as his public statements? America is about to find out

Ted Nordhaus jo soittaa hälytyskelloja:

Viewpoint: How to devolutionize American food and agriculture—RFK, Jr. has a clear disaster of a plan. Don’t say we haven’t been warned

Kennedy claims to have the nation’s health in mind. But his core vision would increase the cost of all food, healthy and unhealthy, while dismantling an agricultural system that leads the world in efficiency. When he proposes to shift our food system toward “organic, regenerative agriculture,” what that means is abandoning synthetic fertilizers and virtually all other chemical inputs to American agriculture. When he proposes to shift toward grass-fed and pasture-raised meat, that means replacing our abundance of affordable meat with high-priced alternatives for which there is no significant evidence of improved human health outcomes. These practices also typically bring far worse environmental impacts.

Kennedy’s opposition to high-productivity agriculture mirrors the positions of far-left environmental groups and advocates, such as Vandana Shiva, who use anticapitalist rhetoric to advocate against modern food systems in favor of traditional production systems that cost more and produce less. Shiva was the architect of Sri Lanka’s agricultural crisis of 2021, which saw the country ban imports of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides and attempt to shift to organic and regenerative agriculture. The consequences of the ban were disastrous: Productivity dropped 50%, and food prices shot up, impoverishing the nation’s citizens.