Author Topic: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta  (Read 17564 times)

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta
« Reply #60 on: 23.07.24 - klo:06:29 »
Käymässä näin:

Global Greening Becomes so Obvious That Climate Alarmists Start Arguing We Need to “Save the Deserts”!

Niin mahtava aine tuo hiilidioksidi on, että se laittaa autiomaatkin kukkimaan.

Sinänsä muuten. Vihreitä huolestuttaa nyt myös jäätikköjen pieneneminen. Luonnon ja elävän elämän kannalta nekin ovat – aavikoita.


Toinen tuosta:

Yale Environment 360 Pushes Alarming Carbon Dioxide Story, Despite Beneficial Global Greening
« Last Edit: 23.07.24 - klo:07:54 by Heikki Jokipii »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta
« Reply #61 on: 23.07.24 - klo:06:37 »
Mitä ihmiskunta nyt tekeekin – ottaako hiilidioksidia ilmakehästä pois vai lopettaako vain sitä sinne lisäämästä – kohtuullinen vaatimus tällaisen tavallisen tallaajan näkökulmasta olisi, että rajujen (ja kalliiden) toimenpiteiden pitäisi jossain näkyä.

Ja missäpä muualla ne näkyisivät kuin täällä:

Mutta edes sitä eivät (ilmasto)poliitikot uskalla luvata, koska ne näkyisivät.
« Last Edit: 23.07.24 - klo:06:41 by Heikki Jokipii »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta
« Reply #62 on: 30.07.24 - klo:06:21 »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta
« Reply #63 on: 04.08.24 - klo:04:06 »
Tämäkään kirjoittaja ei usko suunnitelman realistisuuteen:

AEP’s Carbon Capture Fantasy

The clown still does not seem to understand that nobody in the world has yet managed to make carbon capture work commercially at scale, though he blames this on Britain making a dog’s dinner of its grand ambitions for carbon capture.

Nor does he seem to realise we have no gas power plants which could be fitted with carbon capture, even if it could be made to work. In other words, we would have to spend tens of billions building new CCGTs.

Nor does he seem to realise that CCS is extremely energy inefficient, therefore requiring much more natural gas than a conventional gas power plant would. Hardly sensible when we wany to cut gas imports.

Nor does he seem to realise that electricity produced via CCS gas power plants is extremely costly.

Ankarat sanat on tuossa kohdistettu asiasta (yli)optimistisesti kirjoittaneeseen journalistiin.

Koskee vain Britanniaa? Vielä keväällä meille kerrottiin näin:

Hiilidioksidin talteen­otto nousemassa EU:n ilmasto­politiikan ytimeen
« Last Edit: 04.08.24 - klo:07:27 by Heikki Jokipii »

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Vs: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta
« Reply #64 on: 15.08.24 - klo:05:41 »
Tällaisia hyötyjä hiilidioksidista:

Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening and Reduces Drought Risk

Juu, kyllä nuo edut ovat jo tulleet edelläkin esille. Ja se, miten on oikeastaan kummallista, miten media on keskittynyt siihen yhteen, melko vähäiseen seuraukseeen (0,2 astetta vuosikymmenessä)

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Hiilidioksidin nappaaminen ilmasta
« Reply #65 on: 22.08.24 - klo:04:11 »
Näin minäkin sen muistan:

From Dust to Green: The Ever-Shifting Sands of Climate Alarmism

The irony of the climate alarmists’ narrative is as rich as the verdant deserts they never saw coming. Once upon a time, the world was supposed to be swallowed by an ever-expanding Sahara, with desertification hailed as the “greatest environmental challenge of our time.” Fast forward to today, and the alarmists have pivoted yet again, now fretting over the unexpected greening of these very same arid lands. It’s a classic case of moving the goalposts, and one can’t help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all.

The Great Desertification Panic

Remember when desertification was the bogeyman lurking in the shadows of climate change? The narrative was simple: human activity, coupled with rising temperatures, would lead to the relentless march of deserts across the globe. Poor farming practices and overgrazing were supposedly turning fertile lands into barren wastelands. The alarmists painted a picture of a world where sand dunes would swallow cities whole, and humanity would be left to wander the earth like nomads in search of water. But then, a funny thing happened on the way to the apocalypse. The deserts didn’t expand as predicted. In fact, many of them started to green. Yes, you read that right. The very regions that were supposed to dry up and blow away are now experiencing a surge in vegetation growth. It’s almost as if Mother Nature decided to play a little prank on those who thought they had her all figured out.

Sitten kävikin näin:

CO2: The Unlikely Hero

Enter carbon dioxide, the villain of the climate change saga. For years, CO2 has been demonized as the primary driver of global warming. But in a twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, it turns out that this much-maligned gas is also a key player in the greening of the world’s drylands. As CO2 levels have risen, so too has the rate of photosynthesis, allowing plants to thrive even in some of the harshest environments. This phenomenon, known as CO2 fertilization, has led to increased vegetation productivity across vast swathes of arid land.Of course, the alarmists can’t let this unexpected boon go unchallenged. Instead of celebrating the positive impact of CO2 on plant growth, they’ve shifted their focus to the potential downsides. They warn that the extra vegetation could soak up scarce water supplies, disrupt local ecosystems, and even increase the risk of wildfires. It’s as if they’re determined to find a cloud in every silver lining.