Yksityiskohta Turun Sanomien tuoreesta jutusta:
Demokraattien mahdollinen presidenttiehdokas Kamala Harris on tiukka kuulustelija, jonka lohkaisut ovat poikineet useita meemejäTalousasioissa Harris on Bidenin tapaan puolueen edistyksellisen siiven linjoilla. Harris on ehdottanut tukevaa 10 biljoonan dollarin ilmastosuunnitelmaa ja tuki esimerkiksi ilmastolakipaketti Green New Dealia, jota Biden ei tukenut kokonaisuudessaan.
Katsokaamme, paljonko se on. Uutinen on julkaistu suomeksi ja Turussa.
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/BiljoonaKymmenen tuollaista. Eli 10 000 000 000 000 dollaria.
Väkiluku samasta paikasta:
Tulos 30170.5285642
ei ole sotkettu amerikkalaisia ja eurooppalaisia biljoonia. Eli hän on valmis käyttämään n. 30 000 euroa/dollaria jokaista amerikkalaista hohti. Vaikka... tämän takia (?):
Inhottavia väitteitä:
Net Zero Averted Temperature Increase
Many people are surprised by how little warming would be averted from adoption of net zero policies. For example, if the United States achieved net zero emissions of carbon dioxide by the year 2050, only a few hundredths of a degree Celsius of warming would be averted. This could barely be detected by our best instruments. The fundamental reason is that warming by atmospheric carbon dioxide is heavily “saturated,” with each additional ton of atmospheric carbon dioxide producing less warming than the previous ton.
(lihav. HJ)
Vaikkapa Helsingin Elokapinan mielenosoittajille. Tuonko takia me...?
Toinen samasta:
How Much Warming Would Net Zero By 2050 Prevent?
Let the professors’ conclusion be ours also:
“There appears to be no credible scenario where driving U.S. emissions of CO2 to net zero by the year 2050 would avert a temperature increase of more than a few hundredths of a degree centigrade. The immense costs and sacrifices involved would lead to a reduction in warming approximately equal to the measurement uncertainty. It would be hard to find a better example of a policy of all pain and no gain.”
Ei ihan samaa asiaa, mutta otsikon asiassa pysytään. Driessen tästä:
Waging War on Modern Agriculture and Global NutritionDemands for organic or subsistence farming worldwide would devastate nature and nutrition
The World Economic Forum says the world faces a new crisis, “One-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food production.” With the world’s population expected to reach 10 billion people by 2050, it is therefore “urgent” that we launch a “radical” and “comprehensive” transformation of the global food system – from “reinventing” farming to “reimagining” how food is produced, processed, distributed, consumed and disposed of.
Reinforcing this message, Stop Ecocide Now founder Jojo Mehta expanded on Greta Thunberg’s incendiary 2020 rant that “our house is on fire and you’re fueling the flames.” Farming is a “serious crime,” equal to “genocide,” Ms. Mehta told elites at the 2024 WEF meeting in Davos.
Their grasp of agriculture is epitomized by Michael Bloomberg’s suggestion that anybody can be a farmer: “You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, you add water, up comes the corn.”
Modern farming and its supposedly dangerous greenhouse gas emissions are a tad more complicated.
Modern mechanized farming employs oil derivatives as fuel for equipment and feed stocks for herbicides and pesticides, natural gas to dry grain and make fertilizers, and livestock to provide protein.
Tractors, trucks, farmers and livestock emit carbon dioxide, adding to the 0.04% of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere (equivalent to $40 of $100,000). Cattle emissions add methane to the existing 0.0002% CH4 in the atmosphere (20¢ of $100,000). Nitrogen fertilizers add to the “dramatic” 200-year rise in atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O), bringing it to a still minuscule 0.00003% (that’s 3¢ of $100,000).
These emissions allegedly drive “cataclysmic” climate change and extreme weather, endangering all life on Earth. But then what caused five Ice Ages (including the Pleistocene Era and its mile-high glaciers, which ended 12,000 years ago), the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods, and the Little Ice Age (1350-1850) to come and go?
Of course, natural forces can’t drive climate hysteria and WEF-Gore-Biden anti-fossil-fuel agendas. Fear-mongering political, activist, media and academic elites therefore ignore them.