Mutta kaikki eivät anna periksi:
Choosing agroecology is not an option but an obligation, says researcherWhile moving away from pesticides will create difficulties, particularly in terms of productivity, agroecology is the necessary solution to face this problem and ultimately generate gains in production, researcher Xavier Reboud told EURACTIV.
Europe and France are aiming to halve the use of pesticides by 2030, as laid out in both the Green Deal’s Farm to Fork strategy and the Ecophyto plan II+.
However, the implementation of these commitments remains uncertain. At the European level, there is a fierce debate between defenders of the European Green Deal and “productivists” who want to scale down ambitions in the name of food sovereignty.
Puhetta on tuossa vain torjunta-aineista. Jos olisi jatkettu, varmaankin tuo
akroekologi olisi tuonut esiin syyn, miksi myös lannoitteiden käyttöä pitää vähentää.
Tuosta löysimme lempinimen tai haukkumasanan itsellemme. Me
olemme produktivisteja. Myös luonnonsuojelullisista syistä.