Author Topic: Temp  (Read 395253 times)

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Temp
« Reply #285 on: Today at 11:45 »
Tästä tätä perusfaktaa:

Perunan viljely on keskittynyt erityisesti läntiselle rannikkoalueelle, missä Pohjanmaa on merkittävä tuotantoalue. Suomessa viljeltiin vuonna 2024 perunaa yhteensä 18 180 hehtaarin alalla. Tästä ruokaperunan osuus oli 8410 hehtaaria, ruokateollisuusperunan 2750 hehtaaria, tärkkelysperunan 4840 hehtaaria, varhaisperunan 655 hehtaaria ja sertifioidun siemenperunan 1 035 hehtaaria.

Siihen tämä lisäys:

Sieltä tämä tieto:

Luomuperuna 6 miljoonaa kiloa (-33 %)

Eli luomuperunaa yhteensä tulee enää nippa nappa kilo asukasta kohti. Tuohon olisin halunnut em. lisätiedot. Luomuperunan korjuuala näytti supistuneen n. 400 hehtaariin (n. 650 v. 2023).

Esille vielä koko perunasato:

Peruna 517 miljoonaa kiloa (+4 %)

Eli lähes 100 kiloa henkeä kohti!

Myös luomuperunan viljely on keskittynyt erityisesti läntiselle rannikkoalueelle. Etelä-Pohjanmaalle ja Pohjanmaalle. Ainakin näin oli v. 2023. Saimme taas syyn huomattaa Ruokavirastolle siitä, miten sen puutarhaviljelyn tilastot turhaan viipyvät! Mutta en usko tuon muuttuneen.
« Last Edit: Today at 13:33 by Heikki Jokipii »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Temp
« Reply #286 on: Today at 12:36 »
Oliko tämä lopulta... vahinko, "hupsista", "hätäpaska", joka on nyt ikävästi housuissa?

Was 1.5C a Climate Propaganda Whoopsie?   

Essay by Eric Worrall

Professor Mike Hulme: “… There’s going to be a lot of work done to reconstruct a narrative …”

    Was the world’s most influential climate target doomed from the start?

    As the world passes 1.5 degrees C of warming, a Cambridge scholar argues that putting a deadline on climate action was the wrong way to frame it.


A pair of new studies in the journal Nature Climate Change looked at historical data and came to the conclusion that the record heat last year — the first year to surpass 1.5 degrees C — wasn’t a temporary fluke, but a sign that the world is now soaring past this influential climate target over the long term. The new year continued that upward trajectory. Even as a natural cooling pattern called La Niña took hold recently, January managed to be hotter than ever, clocking in at a record 1.75 degrees C warmer than the preindustrial average.

… So is the world now at the edge of disaster?

Mike Hulme, a professor of human geography at the University of Cambridge, asserts that it isn’t. “There’s no ‘cliff edge’ that emerges from any of the scientific analyses that have been done about these thresholds,” he said. “They are, in many senses, just arbitrary numbers plucked because they are either integers or half of an integer.”

Of course, the thing that’s going to happen is, “Well, if 1.5 is now in the back mirror, what’s in the front mirror now?” There’s going to be a lot of work done to reconstruct a narrative for those people who think that 1.5 was the be-all and the end-all. There’s now going to have to be very significant work in reeducating and reframing what the future actually holds, if 1.5 is no longer the benchmark.

Read more:

The Grist article is long, so it covers a lot of ground not mentioned in the quotes above.

But the fortuitously early arrival of 1.5C warming, and the lack of any accompanying climate disasters, will likely hasten the demise of the climate movement.

Because unlike the 1970s global cooling scare, the internet age has abundant digital records of how alarmists tried to frighten people with “arbitrary numbers” like 1.5C global warming.

I look forward to enriching attempts to “rebuild the narrative” by replaying lots of ridiculous 1.5C scare campaign material.
« Last Edit: Today at 12:48 by Heikki Jokipii »