Tämä kirjoittaja sanoo asian oikein rumasti:
MPs to Consider Bill Likely to Cause Mass Starvation, Death, Disease and Societal Collapse in Near FutureThis Friday, January 24th, the UK Parliament is due to vote on a Private Member’s Bill that could lead to mass starvation, widespread disease and fatalities and the almost certain collapse of civil liberties and society within a few years. The bill has the support of a third of voting MPs and there is a clear and present danger that it could pass. Many MPs depart for their constituencies on a Friday and 200 remaining zealots could have a chance to swing a vote their way. The bill is a thinly-disguised attempt using meaningless climate and nature crisis verbosity to ration and control almost everything that citizens consume. The obvious attack on civil liberties should serve as a warning to other countries to stand against the Net Zero hysterics that have infiltrated large sections of elite British society.
Tämä tulee kirjoittajalla mieleen omista maalailuistaan:
Starvation, death, disease and civil collapse – an emotional exaggeration or a reasonable conclusion once the facts are examined? Let us consider those facts, something that this unholy dark green money alliance of zealots and boobies do not appear to have done. (Apologies of course to those of them who, in fact, know exactly what is being planned and an earnest request for them to absent themselves from future polite and civilised society.)
Tämä on hänen perustelunsa:
The bill has two lines of attack, namely the removal of almost all hydrocarbon use in the near future and a complete ban on the production, exploration, sale or importation of hydrocarbons, referred to in the bill as “fossil fuels”. It appears that a near 90% reduction in hydrocarbon use within a decade is sought and this would affect everything from the energy that heats homes and drives a modern economy to the medicines and food that sustains life. If such a plan was followed in the UK, almost immediate societal collapse would follow. People would freeze in winter, there would be no food in the shops or medicines in the hospitals and pharmacies. There would be no power to run sewage treatment plants or hydrocarbon-based chemicals to clean the water. A complete breakdown of law and order would be likely as citizens survive as best they can.