Tässä hyvin syvällinen pohdiskelu siitä, millaista on pohjata ajattelunsa tieteeseen:
Why ‘Do your own research’ and ‘Believe in Science” encourage science illiteracyCOVID reawakened the mantra DYOR: do your own research. According to AI, it isn’t new:
“The phrase ‘do your own research’ seems ubiquitous these days, often by those who don’t accept ‘mainstream’ science (or news), conspiracy theorists, and many who fashion themselves as independent thinkers. On its face it seems legit. What can be wrong with wanting to seek out information and make up your own mind?’”
But doing “research” by choosing what to read, watch, or listen to, is not at all the same as the research that scientists do. We don’t pay attention only to the data that support our hypotheses – science is more about rejecting hypotheses, thinking more, and devising new experiments to investigate something in nature. Science is about data, not “content.”
Tuohon lainaukseen tuo tarkastelu ei lopu.
Laitoin tähän triidiin, koska hyvin relevanttia on tuo metakeskustelu ilmastoasioissakin.
“Believe in Science” Predates DYOR, But is Even More Damaging
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kuva, "meemi".