Väite, ettei ilmakehän hiilidioksidin isotooppikoostumus tue teoriaa ihmisen roolista asiassa:
The Conclusion Humans Drive Atmospheric CO2 Increases Is Undermined By Carbon Isotope Data
Tukimuksin perusteltu sekin:
“From modern instrumental carbon isotopic data of the last 40 years, no signs of human (fossil fuel) CO2 emissions can be discerned.” – Koutsoyiannis, 2024
Tuosta seuraa tietysti myös se, ettei CO2-pitoisuus päästöjä vähentämällä pienene.
Koutsoyiannis jatkaa tällä:
New Study: Human Contribution To Enhancement Of Earth’s Greenhouse Effect A Negligible 0.2 Percent“[T]he contribution of CO2 to the greenhouse effect is 4% – 5%. Human CO2 emissions represent 4% of the total, which means that the total human contribution to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect is 0.16% to 0.20% – a negligible effect.” – Dr. Demetris Koutsoyiannis (2024)
"Juju" on siinä, että asia ei ole testattavissa:
Of course, this very unfalsifiable thought experiment is what believers in the CO2-is-the-climate-control-knob narrative rest their case on. But even if we do use this imaginary-world premise, the existing models (MODTRAN, HITRAN) that allegedly support the CO2-controls-climate orthodoxy actually undermine it.
For example, as Dr. Koutsoyiannis points out in his extensively-referenced paper, the MODTRAN data show that the Earth’s temperature remains at the default greenhouse-effect value if the water vapor scale is adjusted upwards slightly, by just 30%. The greenhouse effect does not “collapse” as claimed by Lacis et al. disciples – the control-knob believers.
The HITRAN database also indicates the imaginary-world condition of doubling CO2 from 400 to 800 ppm would only alter the radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere by -1.1%, a hypothetical realization that could not even be detected in future macroscopic measurements (if the atmosphere ever were to reach a CO2 concentration of 800 ppm).
Niinpä ihmiskunta on nyt enemmän tai vähemmän "äänestystietoteorian" varassa. Vaikka se toki ymmärretään virheelliseksi. Mutta ilmastotieteessä siihen nojataan. Koska valtaosa on tiettyä mieltä, se on totuus.
Ja sen totuuden varassa nyt
kokoonnutaan Bakussa.