Modernia viljelyä vastaan käydään jatkuvasti aktiivista sotaa:
Modern agriculture is actively under threat – we need to save itTuossa tulee esille konkreettinen asia:
A vast network of organisations, including known players such as Greenpeace, are throwing a myriad of unscientific publications at the wall in different European countries, in the attempt to find out what sticks. Their latest target is fungicides.
Fungicides are used to fight fungus spores, which if carried from the outside of the plant to their inside, are dangerous to human health. These molds produce mycotoxins, which are toxic metabolites.
Mycotoxins are divided into subcategories, namely aflatoxins, ochratoxin A (OTA), fumonisins (FUM), zearalenone (ZEN), and deoxynivalenol (DON – also known as vomitoxin), which can all be ingested through eating contaminated food, including dairy products (as infected animals can carry it into milk, eggs, or meat).
The most dangerous kinds are aflatoxins, which can affect corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, peanuts, and tree nuts, and can cause cancer. Most disconcertingly, up to 28% of all liver cancer can be attributed to aflatoxins, and its immunosuppressant features leave humans weakened against other diseases.
In Africa, this is a deadly epidemic. Aflatoxin exposure is more deadly than exposure to malaria or tuberculosis, with 40% of all liver cancers in Africa being related to it. Mycotoxin contamination can occur through inadequate food storage, but more importantly it occurs in absence of the correct crop protection measures, including chemicals.
As a result of mycotoxins, food products are prevented from entering Europe, and Africa loses millions in unusable food every year.
Eikä tuo riski rajoitu Afrikkaan:
However, this is not only an issue in Africa. According to 2017 data, Europe is also at severe risk of mycotoxin contamination. A 10-year survey conducted by the BIOMIN research centre in Austria found that approximately 20% of Central European grain feed and almost 12% of Southern Europe’s grain feed exceeded EU regulatory limits.
Keinoja tuota vastaan olisi - ja niitä sitten Greenpeace ym. aktiivisesti vastustaa. Torjunta-aineita, mutta myös geenitekniikan hyväksikäyttoä.
Vaikkei riski rajoitu Afrikkaan, tehokkaiden keinojen käyttämättömyys siellä estää elintarvikkeiden tuontia Eurooppaan.
Tuo kirjoitus oli Euractiv-palstalla. Ei ole modernin viljelyn puolustaminen tuntematonta Euroopassakaan. Vaikka
EU:n komission uusin esitys muusta kertookin.