Tuottava maa turvattu luonto ry - tervetuloa!
Hän mainitsee esimerkkeinä mahdollisuuksista sellutehtaiden hiilipäästöjen talteenoton ja hiilen tuotteistamisen, kasviproteiinien valmistustuksen ja uudistavan viljelyn maataloudessa.Uudistava viljely on menetelmä, jossa käytetään lannoitteita ja muokataan maata tavallista vähemmän.
Guilherme Coelho on vakuuttunut, että pitämällä maaperästä huolta ja lannoittamalla luonnonmukaisesti kasveista tulee ravinteikkaampia ja kestävämpiä tuholaisia vastaan.
Mitä ovat regeneratiivinen viljely, hiiliviljely ja soluviljely kasvatustankeissa, ja löytyykö niistä ratkaisu? Esimerkiksi apilanurmi imuroi typpeä ja hiilidioksidia ilmasta, ja tuottaa bioenergiaa sekä syötäviä proteiineja ja sokereita.
Biodynaamisesti tuotettuja marjoja ja kasviksia - Hannaksen tila4 päivää sitten — Alla olevasta tuoreiden tuotteiden listasta löydät juuri tänään ostettavissa olevat herkut! Permakulttuurinen tilamme elää säiden ja sesonkien mukana ja ...
Rather than focusing on productivity, measures of agroecological success include raising farmers from poverty and increasing biodiversity.
Yet as a pathway to more sustainable food systems and transformational change, agroecology remains contested. Ferrand says that some funders, researchers, and policymakers are skeptical of agroecology’s viability, profitability, and scalability.
Though many agroecology promoters take a strict stance against the use of modern farming tools and technology, advocates in Ghana have signaled they’re open to a more inclusive approach.“There are some misconceptions about agroecology that I would want to correct,” said Dr. Charles Nyaaba, head of advocacy and programs at the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana, one of the organizations promoting agroecology in the country. “Usually, when we talk of agroecology, what comes to the mind of many people is that it does not involve the use of machinery, it doesn’t involve the use of external inputs, it is necessarily mixed cropping [rather than monoculture] and it cannot be scaled. That is not the case.
Nyaaba, who made his comments during an Alliance for Science (AfS) Live webinar, said that modern technological inventions, including synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, can be applied even in agroecological production, as long as the fundamental principle of protecting the environment is not violated.
Annaleena Ylhäinen 🇫🇮🇺🇦@AYlhainen·50minAustraliassa keskusteltiin pitäisikö keksiä helpommin lähestyttävä nimitys termille #regeneratiivinenmaatalous. Suomessa sitä kutsuttiin 90-luvulla "hyviksi viljelymenetelmiksi", nyt käytössä on mm #uudistavaviljely
“The practices like minimum till, keeping cover crop, incorporating livestock, it is part of the system, it is part of what they do anyway.”
Towards regenerative organic farming, Regional manager Johan Hedberg, Arla Sweden
Annaleena Ylhäinen 🇫🇮🇺🇦@AYlhainen·59minOn kiinnostavaa seurata millä kaikilla tavoilla tätä regeneratiivista maataloutta keksitään kuluttajille markkinoida. Täyttä huttuahan tästä suurin osa on, mutta eivät kuluttajat sitä tiedä 😂#regeneratiivinenmaataloushttps://wildfarmed.co.uk/
Industrial Farming Causes Climate Change. The ‘Slow Food’ Movement Wants to Stop It BY ARYN BAKER SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 1:10 PM EDTAbiennial celebration of international small-scale farmers, breeders, fishers, and food producers just wrapped up in Turin, Italy. Convened by the Slow Food movement, one phrase in particular dominated the Terra Madre Salone del Gusto festival’s long roster of panel discussions and workshops: “Food is the cause of the environmental crisis, but it can also be the solution.” …Food production contributes approximately 37% of global greenhouse gas emissions, making farmers both contributors to, and victims of, climate change. But it doesn’t have to be that way, say proponents of Slow Food, a movement started in Italy 36 years ago that promotes “good, clean and fair food” along with a stronger connection between people and the food they eat. Adopting climate-smart farming practices, and taking a more flexible approach to what is farmed where, will make food production more resilient in the face of climate change. But even then, it may not be enough—absent severe reductions in fossil fuel emissions, some places will likely have to give up farming entirely in the near future.
I have no problem with boutique farms producing delicious food using palaeolithic agricultural techniques for wealthy customers. I’m happy to buy the occasional slice of delicious artisan cheese, or tomatoes or olives grown with love, but it would devastate my finances to have to live off such produce full time. A lot of people simply wouldn’t be able to afford to eat at all.To feed the world of today we need agricultural mass production, fossil fuel and chemicals, not ignorant theories and disastrous policy choices.