Tässähän on se puuron silmä:
Viewpoint: Synthetic fertilizers in ideological crosshairs — Trade-offs between crop productivity and the environmentTai se kuuma puuro, jota mietteliäät kissat nyt kiertävät.
Idealism is a powerful driver of a better world. But it works best only if married to worldly reality. The solutions we all seek for our ag system’s sustainability and responsible role in managing climate issues will take time and cooperation, not a rush to ill-considered magic-bullet thinking and win-lose confrontation.
We’re seeing evidence of that all around us. The Netherlands is the world’s second-largest agricultural exporter, with annual sales of roughly $100 billion. But government officials are implementing controversial plans to mandate changes to farming practices to meet targeted reductions in nitrogen emissions and buy-out programs for lands that can’t meet specified targets. Producers have been outspoken in their concerns about the implications of such controls on the future of the farming sector.
Better still, ask farmers in Sri Lanka about the 2021 flash-cut to organic farming. Without available practical options to replace commercial fertilizers, farmers faced draconian reductions in farm output – and farm income. Reduced production threatened food shortages and dramatic price increases.
Varsinkin, kun siihen keskusteluun on saatu mukaan käsitys, että keinolannoitteita väistämättä käytetään liikaa tai muutoin väärin. Kirjoittaja kuitenkin uskoo tähän:
The world recognizes the need to take a new, bigger view of how fertilizers fit into the need for a kind of new Green Revolution. We’re moving to understand how to use fertilizers more wisely, and how to deliver critical soil nutrients more effectively and more sustainably. But the solution isn’t an either-or choice. It’s an “and” answer.
Jotain Suurta Sovintoa kirjoittaja siis haikailee lannoituskysymyksessäkin.