Näiden violettien tomaattien markkinoille tuloa on jouduttu todella kauan odottamaan:
Purple tomatoes? Superfood genetically engineered tomato rich in antioxidants nearing United States rolloutThe purple tomato was created by Cathie Martin at the John Innes Centre in the UK. In 2008, her team reported that mice whose diet was supplemented with purple tomato powder lived nearly 30 per cent longer than those on a standard diet or a diet supplemented with powder from normal tomatoes.
“A 30 per cent longer lifespan is incredible,” she said during the presentation, though of course the results of animal studies don’t necessarily apply to people.
There are already tomato varieties with purple skins, but the genetically modified purple tomatoes have purple flesh as well. They contain around 10 times more anthocyanins, which are antioxidant pigments.
(lihav. HJ)
Vaikka kyse on tuotteesta, joka varmasti on terveydelle hyväksi. Vaikkei tuota 30% eliniän pidennystä antaisikaan.
Kun tuo keksittiin, se tapahtui silloin EU:ssa. Asiaan tietysti nyt kuuluu, että EU:n markkinoille se ei ole nytkään tulossa. Mutta pitäisi olla. Mainio tuote, kerrassaan.