Geenieditoinnilla saadaan ehkä pelastettua nyt suuressa vaarassa oleva Cavendish-banaanilajike:
CRISPR-Edited BananasI do wonder what someone from 2010 would have thought about a tv show accurately depicting 2020. In any case, one of the throw-away lines of the show was that there are no more bananas. The writers did their research – that the Cavendish banana will disappear sometime in the 2020’s is extremely likely. It is being threatened by a fungus called Tropical Race 4 (TR4), which a century ago wiped out the previous commercial dessert banana, the Gros Michel (it’s not extinct, but cannot be grown commercially anymore).
Gros Michel oli aikanaan, ehkä 1950-luvulle, se banaani, jota täällä ostettiin ja syötiin. Kyse on nyt toisesta lajikkeesta, mutta:
TR4 is now on every continent that grows bananas. It is literally just a matter of time before the entire commercial Cavendish market is wiped out.
Käytännössä kaikki myytävä banaani on nykyisin tuota lajiketta. Eli jos noin käy, banaani voi käytännössä hävitä kaupoista. Muitakin lajikkeita tuo sieni ja vastaavat taudit uhkaavat, ja ruokaturvaa:
TR4 and similar funguses also threaten other banana varieties (more like plantains) that provide a staple source of nutrition for large segments of the world (about 400 million people). So this is not just about no longer having access to a favorite dessert fruit – this can create a serious threat to food security in parts of the world.
Tällaisessa piilee ratkaisu tuohon ongelmaan:
Fortunately, nature already has a partial solution – some wild type bananas have a gene, RGA2, that provides resistance to TR4. In fact, the RGA2 gene is already present in the Cavendish, it is just expressed 10% of that of the resistant varieties. So all the scientists have to do is activate the expression of the already present RGA2 genes in the Cavendish. They have done this and are already in field trials, which are showing enhanced resistance.
Jos ja kun tuossa käytetään geenieditointia, ja luomuväki jatkaa "kirkonkiroustaan" tälle(kin) menetelmälle, kuinka siinä käy? Yksi skenaario on se, että muissa banaaneissa noita aktivoituja geenejä tämän vuosikymmenen kuluessa on. Mutta luomubanaaneissa ei. Ja luomubanaaneja, jotka nyt ovat Suomessa
suosituin yksittäinen luomutuote, ei enää kaupoissa ole.