Ja Hank Campbell vielä näistä hyödyistä:
Viewpoint: GMO benefits are clear — Pest-resistant Bt cotton cuts pesticide use by 97% in Australia,GMOs began their chain of success with human insulin, then saved the papaya from extinction in Hawaii, and have since fed billions of humans and trillions of animals without so much as a stomach-ache.
That hasn’t stopped competitors, $135 billion in the organic food industry, from funding activist groups to undermine the food supply.
The plain scientific and economic truth is that because they work, most farmers don’t retreat into the past and embrace 1960s “organic” pesticides because they don’t work. Australia is a good example. The cotton bollworm was devastating domestic cotton but legacy pesticides like organic farmers use meant killing off the entire ecosystem. Today, spiders and other critters that naturally help keep more devastating stuff away from plants are thriving in fields again; because of plants with genes from the soil-dwelling bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis that allow plants to express a protein to harness the power of nature to kill the bollworms.
Bacillus thuringiensis -bakteeria saattavat käyttää "ulkoisesti" luomuviljelijätkin. Se ei ole ihmiselle vaarallinen aine. Hyönteisten parissa tulee "oheisvahinkoja". Sen ulkoinen käyttö tietysti vaatii myös työtä. Ja nostaa sitä kautta luomupuuvillan hintaa.