Näin kertoo:
Poop is helping to feed the world. ReallyEli kakki auttaa ruokkimaan maailman. Ihan oikeesti.
Mutta edellytyksenä on tämä:
Wastewater treatment plants across the country are using high heat, composting, and devices akin to pressure cookers to transform leftover biomass into rich fertilizers, mulches, and other soil additives…. Some process the wastewater in a separate step to extract phosphorus—an essential plant nutrient and a common element in the human diet—and layer it to form round pellets, in a technique a bit like building pearls. This technology … creates a slow-release fertilizer that can be sold back to farmers.
Eli ravinteiden kierto, joka paikasta.
Alkuperäisessä artikkelissa esitellään siihen kehitettyä uusinta teknologiaa.