NNR2023:n pohjoismaisissa ravitsemussuosituksissa https://pub.norden.org/nord2023-003/nord2023-003.pdf on 21 mainintaa hakusanalla organic, niistä kuitenkin osa ei ole merkityksessä luomu vaan kemiallisessa merkityksessä orgaaninen/epäorgaaninen (organic/inorganic).
Alla kaikki kohdat merkityksessä luomu (lihavoinnit minun):sivu 42:
The scientific literature suggests that organic cultivation methods result in greater biodiversity benefits compared to non-organic production. At the global level, it is only possible to convert agricultural production to organic methods in conjunction with substantial shifts in demand to plant-based diets.
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The SAPEA report identified a series of ‘good practice’ examples where there was strong peer-reviewed evidence of positive long-term impacts including health and sustainability benefits (Jackson & Holm, 2023). Examples included: state support for the growth of the Danish organic sector (Daugbjerg & Sønderskov, 2012);
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Deficiency and risk groups. Persons with a high intake of locally grown plant foods in soils low in selenium, like vegans and vegetarians, might have very low selenium intakes,
especially if the foods are grown organically (Kristensen et al., 2015). People with restriction of animal products in their diets, such as vegans, are at risk of becoming selenium inadequacy unless consuming supplements or fortified foods.sivu 206:
In general, more plant protection products (e.g. pesticides) are used in the production of fruits and vegetables than in other types of agricultural production (in terms of per hectare and kg of harvested product) and tends to be higher in intensive fruit and berry production (e.g., large scale cropping systems with low diversity) compared to vegetables (Harwatt et al., 2023). In organic production of vegetables, fruits and berries within the Nordic and Baltic countries, less chemicals are used.
However, organic production often requires higher land use and has similar GHG emissions compared with conventional production (Harwatt et al., 2023; Meltzer et al., 2023; Trolle et al., 2023)sivu 209:
Environmental impacts. Like vegetables and in particular root vegetables, potatoes are among the food products with the lowest climate and environmental impacts. Potatoes can be easily stored, with relatively small inputs and little waste (Harwatt et al., 2023).
The difference in GHG emissions between organic and conventional production is relatively small (Harwatt et al., 2023). Organic production can result in significantly lower yields, leading to an increase in land usage. In conventional production fungicides are applied to control potato blight and increase the yield. In the diet, potatoes often replace grains with potentially larger environmental impacts (e.g., rice) and potatoes can be grown widely in the Nordic and Baltic regions (Meltzer et al., 2023; Trolle et al., 2023).
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Monocultures with fertilizer and pesticide application can adversely impact the landscape and surrounding biodiversity (Harwatt et al., 2023). Organic production minimizes the use of chemical plant protection and fertilizers.