Author Topic: Onko kaikkien (viljely)kasvien typensidonta nyt keksitty?  (Read 11757 times)

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Onko kaikkien (viljely)kasvien typensidonta nyt keksitty?
« Reply #30 on: 01.06.24 - klo:05:42 »
Tätä yhä yritetään:

Bean farming revolution? Unique innovations could leverage lentils and chickpeas to lock in growth-promoting nitrogen in soil

Some 100 million years ago, legumes developed the natural ability to house beneficial bacteria inside dedicated structures called root nodules. Here, bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen from the air and soil into a form that’s accessible to the plant as nutrients.

So, legumes need less nitrogen fertiliser than cereal and other vegetable crops. A high-performing legume can fix up to 300kg of nitrogen per hectare, which would otherwise cost farmers around $1 per kg in fertiliser to meet the nutrient needs of the plant.

At the Enabling Nutrient Symbioses in Agriculture project, we are trying to understand how exactly legumes do this. We are exploring how these nitrogen-fixing root nodules evolved in only legumes in the first place. With that knowledge, we hope to find ways to increase the efficiency of nitrogen fixation inside the root nodules and maximise the growth and yield of legume crops.
The more we know about this unique ability of legumes, the greater our chance of successfully developing other crops with a similar ability. Such a development, though some years away, could transform sustainable agriculture, especially in areas where access to synthetic fertiliser is already limited by cost and availability.

Extending nitrogen fixing to other crops has long been an ambition of crop scientists around the world and as the study of plant biology advances, the pulse of progress is quickening.

Tuo artikkeli siis ei kerro asiassa saavutetusta läpimurrosta.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: Onko kaikkien (viljely)kasvien typensidonta nyt keksitty?
« Reply #31 on: 04.06.24 - klo:04:03 »
Edelleen tämän tuotteen mainostamista jatketaan MT:ssa:

Biologinen kasville typpeä sitova bakteeri

Vixeran sisältää luonnosta eristettyä bakteeria, joka sitoo ilmakehän typpeä. Kasvin pinnalla kasvaessaan sen sitoma typpi päätyy lehtien ja juurten kautta kasvin käyttöön. Vixeran ruiskutetaan kasvustoon kasvukauden alkupuolella, minkä jälkeen se lisääntyy ja levittäytyy itse kasvissa.

Mieleen tulee: jos se ihan luonnosta on eristetty, onko tuo aine luomuhyväksytty?  8)