Guardianissa nähdään tilanne synkähkönä:
'Carbon-neutrality is a fairy tale': how the race for renewables is burning Europe's forestsTästä siinä on edelleen kyse (lihav. HJ):
Sustainability goes to the heart of the European renewable energy debate. The drive to replace coal, one of the world’s biggest sources of carbon emissions, with cleaner sources of power, is a top priority in the fight against climate change globally.
A switch to burning wood in the form of pellets appears to offer a simple and in theory carbon-neutral alternative to coal-fired power stations because trees take up carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. As long as the burned trees are replaced with new plantings, there is no net addition to the stock of carbon in the atmosphere.
However, that process of carbon take-up can take many decades. And in the furnace, burning wood releases more carbon dioxide per unit of energy than burning gas, oil, or even coal. By accelerating carbon dioxide emissions in the short term, burning wood for electricity could be fatal for states’ ability to meet the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global heating to well below 2C by 2050.
Kuitenkin puu eli biopolttoaineet ovat mukana mm.
Petteri Taalaksen paletissa (lihav. HJ):
Niiden sijasta on siirryttävä käyttämään uusiutuvia energialähteitä tuulta, aurinkoa, ydinvoimaa ja jossain mitassa myös bioenergiaa.
Siitä kai onkin kyse, missä mitassa. Nyt näyttää tältä (Guardianista):
Almost all European countries have recorded an increase in logging for energy. Nearly a quarter of the trees harvested in the EU in 2019 were for energy, up from 17% in 2000.
Biomass, of which wood from forests is the main source, now makes up almost 60% of the EU’s renewable energy supply, more than solar and wind combined, and a vast cross-borderindustry has emerged to meet this demand.