Muualla maailmassa sentään problematisoidaan asiaa:
Organic vs Non-Organic MatchaNo, organic matcha is not necessary “better” than non-organic matcha. As mentioned above, organic matcha can only be harvested once a year. The flavor of the small amount of organic matcha that is produced from this single harvest is difficult to control. A farm could spend a whole year raising a field of organic matcha and end up with a matcha that doesn’t taste good enough to compete with other brands on the open market. Non-organic matcha has the advantage in terms of flavor because the fertilizers used were specifically developed and used to increase the umami in the tea leaves while the flavor of organic matcha is completely dependent on what it can absorb from water, the sun and the soil.
Organic Matcha Versus Conventional MatchaSo this is why purely organic matcha grown only with organic fertilizers is actually inferior to conventionally grown matcha: purely organic fertilizers simply don’t have enough stored energy to create these ethereal, umami-packed, new-growth leaves in the absence of sunlight.
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