UK:ssa asia edistyy näin:
Finalized gene editing regulations set to be introduced in the UK parliament this springMutta on kuitenkin kytköksissä siihen, miten asia EU:ssa edistyy:
However, the end of March date relates only to the implementation of precision breeding in plants, not to farmed animals which are also covered by the England-only Act. It comes after a cross-party group of MPs sent a letter to the government calling for a clearer time frame for the rollout of the post-Brexit legislation.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Science and Technology in Agriculture’s (APPGSTA) letter was signed by more than 65 politicians, scientists, and investors. It followed reports that EU-UK realignment talks could delay or even block plans to press ahead with the new gene editing rules in England.
Vai olisiko nyt niinpäin, että kehitys EU:ssa on kytköksissä siihen, mitä UK:ssa (ja muualla) tapahtuu?

Vaan näin mutkikkaalta eteneminen siinä näyttää:
Poland seeks to break EU deadlock on GMO deregulation For Astrid Österreicher, an EU policy specialist with the German think tank TestBiotech, this divergence from the parliament’s position would do little to limit the power of large agrochemical firms – one of the key concerns of opponents to GM crops.
“This no solution to the ongoing concentration/monopolisation in the seed market,” Österreicher said.
Environmentalists are also critical of the idea that the threshold for designating an NGT crop strain as equivalent to a conventionally bred plant can be set at a certain number of molecules in its genome.
Poland was “still following the wrong idea that there might be a general threshold for effects caused by NGT processes”, Österreicher said – a reference to the Commission’s proposed limit of 20 nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA.
Even small tweaks to a plant’s genome could confer undesirable or dangerous properties, she said, arguing that all new strains should be subject to a thorough risk assessment.
Government delegates are slated to discuss the Polish compromise text behind closed doors in Brussels on 20 January. Agreement at the ministerial level will be needed before the Council can enter final negotiations with the European Parliament.
Mutta ensi maanantaina jotain tapahtuu. Trumpin virkaanastumisen lisäksi.

Hiukan surkuhupaisaa on, että tuo keskustelu käydään (ja mahdolliset päätökset tehdään) sujettujen ovien takana.