Jos EU:ssa lykätäänkin F2F-strategian seurausten arviointia, amerikkalaiset ovat sen jo alustavasti tehneet:
The Battle Over EU's Farm to Fork StrategyUSDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) released its analysis of the Farm to Fork plan earlier this month. The analysis concluded that input reductions would lower EU farmers' production by a range of 7% to 12% and affect their competitiveness in both domestic and global markets. ERS stated that adoption of the strategies for lower inputs "would have impacts that stretch beyond the EU, driving up worldwide food prices by 9% if only the EU adopted the plan," but prices would drive up significantly higher if the plan were adopted globally. Under a global scenario, ERS stated production would fall 11% and prices would rise 89%.
EU:n puhenainen pistää hanttiin väittäen tässä tavallaan, että EU:n oma analyysi ysi olisi jo tehty:
Claire Bury, deputy director general responsible for Food in the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety in the European Commission, overall pushed back on some of the ERS analysis that it would cut food production and drive up food prices. "We don't agree with the conclusions that were drawn there, basically," she said.
Se, mihin hän vetoaa tuon perusteena, on vähän yllättävä:
Bury said the USDA analysis doesn't factor in improvements in research and new technologies that could increasing production over time as well. "We don't think it takes into account everything in the farm support strategy," Bury said, "Specifically, it doesn't take into account any research and innovation technology that can increase capacity. It doesn't cover the whole picture of what's in the farm to fork strategy."
Mutta tutkimus ja innovaatiot tuskin auttavat sitä osuutta, joka on päätetty omistaa luomuviljelylle: siinä on niin paljon kategorisesti kiellettyjä asioita. Niinpä se 25%, jos se toteutetaan, voidaan laskea menetetetyksi.