Syngentan (edustajien) suoraa puhetta EU:n tästä politiikan osa-alueesta:
Unlocking ag-tech’s potential for sustainable growthDebates around the future of food systems tend to focus on inputs rather than outcomes. This has led to limits on use of certain inputs in Europe and mirrored approaches imposed on other parts of the world. Such limits are not based on local impact assessments conducted in Africa or other parts of the world and therefore their local impact is not known nor accounted for.
It is not a level playing field. For example, mirrored approaches do not factor resources available to EU farmers in the form of subsidies, so it is not a matter of one policy should fit all. Policy needs to be tailored to reflect the differences in circumstances and available resources.
Tulkiten: Eurooppa painostaa Afrikkaa luomuun sillä oletuksella, että viljelijät myös siellä saisivat luomutukia.
Toisenlaista politiikkaa tarvitaan:
A message for policymakers
The world needs an outcomes-based policy approach to sustainable and regenerative agriculture to unlock the power of new technologies that have the potential to deliver greater food security in a more climate-friendly way.
Policymakers should also keep in mind the positive role trade plays. By enabling trade, parts of the world, especially Africa, can become less dependent on aid.
We stand ready to provide the necessary sustainable outcome-boosting technologies and support with know-how, but barriers to their take up must be eliminated to help accelerate the transition towards more sustainable practices.
Green ambitions and plans should be proportionate, appropriate, and practical and go hand in hand with economic and social development of successful rural communities.
Due consideration is needed on how highly destructive pests can be managed sustainably, like the Fall Armyworm, which pose a risk to the livelihood and food security of over 300 million people.
Tulkinta: Euroopan on hyväksyttävä se, että Afrikka torjuu "armeijamatoa" tehokkaaksi osoittautuneilla muuntogeenisillä lajikkeilla. Eikä sen takia saa esim. asettaa tuontirajoituksia.