Kun mm. torjunta-ainejäämät ovat äärimmäisen pieniä,
yhteisvaikutusteoriasta on luomupiireissä tullut kovasti suosittu.
Hank Campbell siitä:
Viewpoint: ‘Chemical cocktail’ speculation is homeopathic hysteriaBlood samples of pregnant women have detectable levels of chemicals and that ‘chemical cocktail’ may pose [a] “neurotoxic risk”, according to a paper published in Science whose senior author is strangely on the board of reviewing editors at Science.
This “chemical cocktail” nomenclature has been popular among activists like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other environmental lawyers for decades because it needs no science, it instead means science ‘needs more testing’, and there will never be enough testing.
Despite no harm in homeopathic levels of hundreds of chemicals found in blood samples collected from 2006 to 2008, they [declared] a “toxic exposome” may be causing disease and developmental disorders in kids who were exposed to these endocrine-disrupting and neurotoxic substances.
(lihav. HJ)
Ja mitkä aineet tällöin usein vapautetaan epäilyistä (jo etukäteen, lihav. HJ):
Using their custom version of toxic, they blast the A-Team of Progressive Chemical Scaremongering: chemicals, except those certified organic; pesticides, except those certified organic; pharmaceuticals, we must assume they didn’t get the message that the left suddenly loves Big Pharma now; cosmetics like makeup and skin cream; food, like the “ultra-processed” and seed oils that are popular to demonize on social media; and for anything else not covered a blanket endogenous compounds.