Islannin luomutilanteesta on tosiaan vaikea löytää tilastotietoja. Kerään tähän puheenvuoroon löytämiäni tietoja.
Nordic statistics database auttaa: farmingSource: Nordic statistics database, OEKO01
The figure displays the percentage of total utilised agricultural area being used for organic farming, by country and time.
AX taulukossa on Åland, Islannin prosenttiosuudet on lihavoitu, NaN = ei tietoa
Linkistä tulee näkyviin kuvio, taulukon saa auki valikosta (kolme vaakasuoraa viivaa) oikeassa yläkulmassa.
2013 6.4 9.1 22.6
0.5 5.2 16.5 5.7
2014 6.2 9.3 22.7 NaN 5 16.5 5.8
2015 6.3 9.9 27
1.4 4.8 17.1 6.2
2016 7.8 10.5 27.5 NaN 4.8 18.3 6.7
2017 8.6 11.4 28.2
0.4 4.8 19.2 7
2018 9.8 13.1 28 NaN 4.7 20.3 7.5
2019 11.1 13.5 28.7
0.4 4.6 20.4 7.9
2020 11.4 13.9 28.2
0.3 4.6 20.3 9.1
2021 NaN NaN 27.8 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Linkistä tulee näkyviin kuvio, taulukon saa auki valikosta (kolme vaakasuoraa viivaa) oikeassa yläkulmassa.
Lisää tietoja samasta lähteestä (klikkaa sivulta linkkiä OEKO01). Valitsin tähän pohjoismaista vain Islannin, jotta taulukko ei olisi mennyt spagetiksi.
Pinta-alatiedoista näkyy selvästi, että viimeisinä vuosina Islannin luomuhehtaarit vähentyneet yli 22000 hehtaarista alle 5000 hehtaariin.
OEKO01: Organic farming by unit, time and reporting country Iceland
Number of organic farmsYear
2000 27
2001 27
2002 28
2003 30
2004 27
2005 25
2006 24
2007 36
2008 36
2009 36
2010 34
2011 39
2012 35
2013 33
2014 33
2015 36
2016 35
2017 30
2018 29
2019 26
2020 27
Total organic farming area, hectare2000 4837
2001 5466
2002 5142
2003 5459
2004 4910
2005 4989
2006 5002
2007 18703
2008 18603
2009 18304
2010 18345
2011 20688
2012 20682
2013 22432
2014 22513
2015 22464
2016 22594
2017 6838
2018 ..
2019 5740
2020 4982
Percent of total utilised agricultural area, %2013 0.5
2014 ..
2015 1.4
2016 ..
2017 0.4
2018 ..
2019 0.4
2020 0.3
2021 ..
"Utilised agricultural area excluding kitchen gardens. Total fully converted and under conversion to organic farming by the end of the year. Farming is considered to be organic if it complies with 'Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007' of 28 June 2007 (OJ No L 189/2007) on organic production and labelling of organic products and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91.
Organic farming can be defined as a method of production which places the highest emphasis on environmental protection and with regard to livestock production, animal welfare considerations. It avoids or largely reduces the use of synthetic chemical units such as fertilizers, pesticides, additives and medicinal products. Organic farming differs from other agricultural production methods in the application of regulated standards (production rules), compulsory control schemes and a specific labelling scheme.
Eurostat receives and disseminates data continuously after reception and validation, which means that there might be a lot of missing values before all countries have submitted their data, especially for the last reported year. Also note that several data points are provisional or estimated, please see the referred Eurostat sources and related metadata for more information.
No data available for Greenland or Faroe Islands."
Number of organic farms:
Organic agricultural producers registred at the end of the year.
Total organic farming area, hectare:
Total fully converted and under conversion to organic farming