Vaikka Britanniaa eivät enää koske EU:n luomusuunnitelmat, ja vaikka siellä geenimuuntelua koskevissa kysymyksissä
edetään, on ajan henki sielläkin aiheuttanut tällaisia paineita:
National Trust lunacy shows why we urgently need a science-based land use strategyFaced with global food security concerns and soaring food and energy price inflation, the UK Government seems to have woken up to the importance of having a productive domestic farming industry. But reports that one of Britain’s biggest landowners, The National Trust, is taking large chunks of productive farmland back in-hand from long-term tenants for tree planting and re-wilding, and is promoting low-yield farming on some of our most fertile soils, highlights the urgent need for a coherent land use strategy which recognises the significance of food production, writes Norfolk arable farmer David Hill.
(lihav. HJ)
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