USDA: ‘Fear mongering’ keeps EU scared of growing GMOs, while it relies on US biotech grain imports Commercial cultivation of GE crops in the EU is limited to one percent of the EU’s total corn area (102 thousand hectares of GE corn in Spain and Portugal). The single variety authorized for cultivation is banned in all or parts of nineteen [ EU countries]. The threat of destruction by activists and difficult marketing conditions also discourages the cultivation of GE crops in general. For more than two decades, European consumers have been exposed to consistent fear mongering from anti-biotech groups. As a result, consumer attitudes toward GE products are mostly negative.
The European Union (EU) imports large amounts of genetically engineered (GE) feed to sustain its livestock sector. The United States is the main supplier of soybeans to the EU, most of which are GE. In spite of efforts on EU and Member State (MS) levels to grow protein crops in the EU and gain feed self-sufficiency, farmers in the EU will continue to need imports of safe, reliable, and affordable feedstuffs.
Vuodesta toiseenhan tuo on jatkunut. Vuonna 2014 huomasimme täällä:
Toisaalta ko. maissin tuonti EU-maihin on ollut jo vuosia sallittua. Ei olisi oikein tyylikästä kuitenkaan ollut, jos olisi jatkettu - Pietikäisen perusteluilla - tätä jakomielistä politiikkaa: eli syödään tai syötetään kyllä, mutta ei viljellä "meidän takapihalla".
Täältä saamme ilmiöstä numerotiedon:
Where are GMO crops and animals approved and banned? [H]ypocrisy rules: Europe imports over 30 million tons per year of corn and soy-based animal feeds, the vast majority of which are genetically modified, for its livestock industry.
—Mark Lynas, political director for the Cornell Alliance for Science
Alempana siinä olevasta listasta löytyvät seuraavat EU-maat ja EU:n ulkopuoliset eurooppalaiset maat:
Countries with GMO prohibitions:
Austria: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
Bulgaria: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Croatia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Cyprus: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Denmark: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
France: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Germany: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Greece: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Hungary: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Italy: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
Latvia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Lithuania: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Luxembourg: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Malta: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Netherlands: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales (United Kingdom): Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Norway: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Poland: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Russia: Cultivation banned. Imports banned.
Serbia: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
Slovenia: Cultivation prohibited. Imports allowed.
Switzerland: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
Turkey: Cultivation banned. Imports allowed.
Muuta sellaista maata ei sitten Euroopasta löytynytkään, joka olisi kieltänyt seka viljelyn että tuonnin, kuin Venäjä. Joka olisi johdonmukaisempaa. Venäjänkin osalta
tilanne on epäselvä. Se saattaa olla maa, joka sallii (itse kehitettyjen GM-lajikkeiden) viljelyn mutta kieltää tuonnin.