Author Topic: EU ja GM-lajikkeet  (Read 150428 times)

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #390 on: 24.03.23 - klo:07:26 »

Ludger Wess
Müssen wir jetzt die Grenzen zu England schließen? Lebensmittelimporte stoppen? Können die Pollen den kurzen Weg über die Nordsee fliegen? Fragen an
Twiitin lainaus
Channa Prakash
BREAKING NEWS: Commercial development of gene-edited food now legal in England! Viva la England, thanks #Brexit! 😊The Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish governments have not permitted the commercial use of gene editing 😠

Annaleena Ylhäinen 🇫🇮🇺🇦
Britit saivat tämän maaliin - geenieditointi kasvinjalostuksessa on nyt laillista ja rinnastetaan perinteiseen jalostukseen. Tämä lienee ainoa hyöty joka brexitistä on heille koitunut. Kasvinjalostukselle ja alan tutkimukselle tämä on voitto.

Samalla linkillä.
« Last Edit: 24.03.23 - klo:07:45 by Heikki Jokipii »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #391 on: 25.03.23 - klo:08:11 »
Ei saa paljon lukea, mutta laitetaan se tämän verta. Ludger Wess näkee tällaista aatteellista taustaa:

Positionen zur Gentechnik
-Das Demeter-Bürgertum gibt bei den Grünen den Ton an

In Sachen Genetik herrschen bei den Grünen merkwürdige Vorstellungen von der Heiligkeit der Natur und von „unverfälschtem Erbgut“ vor. Selbst Landwirtschaftsminister Özdemir, angeblich ein Freund der Wissenschaft, vertritt jetzt brav die Positionen der Hardliner.

Gentechnik ist in Deutschland noch immer mit einem unzulässigen Eingriff des Menschen in die Schöpfung, mit Frankenstein-Horror und potenziellen Umweltkatastrophen konnotiert. Dabei tut Gentechnik nichts, was in der Natur nicht in jeder Sekunde geschieht: Organismen tauschen Gene aus, oft sogar geschieht das zwischen verschiedenen Arten.

Aber in Sachen Genetik herrschen bei Deutschen, insbesondere Anhängern und Funktionären der grünen Partei, merkwürdige Vorstellungen von der Heiligkeit der Natur und von „unverfälschtem Erbgut“ vor – eine Reinheit, die vor dem Zugriff einer materialistischen Wissenschaft beschützt werden muss.

Miksi tuo on tärkeää? Siksi, että tämä yhä säilyy tosiasiana.
« Last Edit: 25.03.23 - klo:08:16 by Heikki Jokipii »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #392 on: 28.03.23 - klo:05:19 »
GLP samasta:

England becomes first European country to approve gene editing of plants and animals

We are pleased that the Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act has passed into law, receiving Royal Assent from the King. This Act will enable the development and marketing of gene edited crops in England and is a major step towards modernising our crop breeding.

Hiukan tässä hihitteleekin, että se kuningas oli Charles III. Mutta olennaisempaa on tämä:

England joins countries such as Argentina, the US, Australia and Japan that have already enacted similar legislation to regulate precision bred plants.

Jonka "klubin" ulkopuolelle EU on jäänyt. Yhä, vaikka asiaa enemmän tai vähemmän kuumeisesti selvitetään.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #393 on: 02.04.23 - klo:04:05 »
Tiedeihmiset Ranskassa:

French Academy of Agriculture scientist challenges government to ‘follow the science’ and revise its regulatory opposition to genetically edited crops

While a debate is in progress at the European level about the genetically edited products, it is time for the French government to revise its positions and to adopt a point of view relying on a sound scientific basis, as here explained by Catherine Regnault Roger, professor emeritus at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (E2S UPPA), member of the French Academy of Agriculture and of the National Academy of Pharmacy.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #394 on: 05.04.23 - klo:04:28 »
Tässä on esitetty sille koko joukko hyviä syitä (Steven Cerier):

Why the European Union needs to grow genetically-engineered crops

Heikki Jokipii

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« Last Edit: 26.04.23 - klo:09:06 by Heikki Jokipii »

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #397 on: 04.05.23 - klo:04:50 »
Toinen analyysi nykytilanteesta:

Europe dragging its feet on CRISPR deregulation assessment. Here’s how the process has been politicized

European political resistance to NBTs

Notwithstanding the potential for promoting sustainable and healthy food systems, six out of 27 Member States (of whom Germany is the largest) and factions in the EU Parliament — notably the Greens/EFA, but also members of other factions — have raised concerns about potential unintended consequences of modern gene editing techniques.
Ignoring the overwhelming science consensus, GMWatch and other environmental NGOs across Europe, continue to insist that EU-style precautionary restrictions, a de facto ban, should be kept in place in every country. That rejectionist argument convinces almost no scientists. New breeding techniques such as CRISPR mimic what occurs in nature, which is why dozens of countries have or are moving towards almost complete deregulation. Just last month, an independent study by the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization noted that, “The possible effects of gene editing on food safety, quality, and trade are not expected to be much different from what already exists on foods from pre-existing breeding techniques.”
(lihav. HJ)

Mollaan tekstivalinnoillani liikaa saksalaisia? He – tai suuri osa heistä – ovat sen ansainneet.

Pieni osa ehdottomasti ei: seuraan mm. säännollisesti Ludger Wessin twiittisivustoa.


Omaa analyysiäni: geenieditoinnin hyväksymällä EU joko mitätöisi luomutavoitteensa. Tai aiheuttaisi itselleen ajolähdön, jossa EU:n luomusäännöt olisi nopealla aikataululla muokattava uuteen uskoon.

Kyllä: eräällä tavalla geenisaksilla olisi tarkoittamattomia seurauksia.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #398 on: 11.05.23 - klo:07:01 »
Myös MT kertoi näin käyneen:

Kiina hyväksyi geenieditoidun soijapavun, käytännön viljelyyn vielä matkaa

Lisää painetta EU:lle.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #399 on: 13.05.23 - klo:04:21 »
Tässä kirjoituksessa myönnetään, että EU on tämän kysymyksen kanssa "puuronsilmässä":

Organic farming and gene editing: Is coexistence possible?

The coexistence of gene editing with organic production systems remains a point of contention within the European Commission. While proponents of the technology maintain the two can go hand in hand, the EU’s organics sector warns coexistence requires robust traceability and liability mechanisms.
The question of coexistence is particularly pertinent in light of the EU’s ambition to see 25% of the bloc’s farmland under organic production by 2030.
“There is a growing number of stakeholders within the organic sector who share this view and would like the option to use conventional-like NGT plants while maintaining their organic certification,” Plant ETP wrote, noting that a significant proportion of farmers supplying the organic sector manage both organic and conventional production.

Mutta tiukka linja on luomuväellä yhä vallassa:

But while Jan Plagge, president of the EU organics association IFOAM, noted that “minority opinions” exist, he said there is a “clear majority among organic operators” who consider NGTs to be a “diversion from the systemic agroecological innovations we need to truly improve the sustainability of agriculture”.

As such, the association maintains that coexistence requires robust traceability and labelling for NGTs in the EU legislation to “guarantee all farmers the freedom not to use NGTs through mandatory traceability”.

“If the Commission’s proposal takes traceability and transparency away by assimilating NGTs to conventional breeding methods, then there is no “coexistence” possible and it would amount to imposing the use of NGTs to all farmers, organic or not,” IFOAM’s deputy director Eric Gall told EURACTIV.

Jotkut uskovat sen ongelman ratkeavan. Rahalla ja sillä, että tiedemiehet komennetaan keksimään:

However, as things currently stand, detection and traceability present a technical challenge.

To help remedy this, the EU recently opened a €10 million call for research on detection methods for products engineered with gene editing technology under its Horizon Europe funding programme.

The call, the first of its kind, aims to “contribute to ensuring traceability and authenticity, enhancing transparency and promoting innovation in the area of new genomic techniques”.

Green MEP Martin Häusling hailed the move as a welcome change from past EU research policy but complained that only a small amount of funding is available for the two projects.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #400 on: 15.05.23 - klo:04:36 »
Saksa kahden vaiheilla:

Berlin split on gene editing ahead of Commission proposal

One month before the European Commission is expected to propose the deregulation of certain gene editing techniques, the German governing coalition remains unable to find common ground and might be forced to abstain.

Tuosta uutisesta saamme päivämäärän:

The EU executive is set to table a proposal for updated rules on plants produced by new genomic techniques on 7 June.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #401 on: 17.05.23 - klo:06:12 »
Steven Cerier näkee tällaista rakoilua:

Cracks appear in Europe’s opposition to CRISPR gene editing and other New Breeding Technologies

Opposition to new plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) is not uniform. Many EU politicians have expressed support for these new crop products because they understand that without their adoption, EU agriculture would be at a severe competitive disadvantage to other countries who have deregulated new genome techniques.

Suomenkin Vihreiden muuttunut kanta tulee jutussa mainituksi. Mutta Cerier ei oikeastaan ota esille kuuminta perunaa: miten yhdistää asia EU:n luomuistamistavoitteeseen?

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #402 on: 20.05.23 - klo:04:44 »
Kanadakin on jäämässä pois epäröivien maiden joukosta:

Viewpoint: Despite anti-science activism and lucrative organic farm lobby in Canada, safer and more sustainable gene-edited crops are on the way

EU:ssa siis ainakin jokin (väli?)ratkaisu häämöttää ensi kesänä.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #403 on: 30.05.23 - klo:04:16 »
Ludger Wess
#Gentechnik immer schlimmer.

Twiitin lainaus
Channa Prakash
Purdue biologists led by Stan Gelvin have developed Agrobacterium strains that deliver T-DNA so plants can still be modified to express valued traits, but they are not transgenic. This means traditional methods to remove T-DNA aren’t needed.

Lainaus tuosta:

Gelvin said these VirD2 mutant Agrobacterium strains can carry T-DNA that delivers and expresses genome engineering reagents, such as CRISPR-Cas. Although the plant genome may be altered, no transgenic plant is created.

Tähän triidiin, koska siinä taas yksi metodi, johon EU:n ja luomuväen täytyy ottaa kantaa.

Heikki Jokipii

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Vs: EU ja GM-lajikkeet
« Reply #404 on: 09.06.23 - klo:06:49 »
Tässä artikkelissa on kartta:

Countries around the world diverge on how to regulate gene editing crop revolution

Jossa EU on keltaista aluetta: keskustelu avattu, tilanne epäselvä. Tilanne tosin 9/2022, mutta muualta tiedämme, että se on yhä epäselvä.
« Last Edit: 09.06.23 - klo:06:57 by Heikki Jokipii »