Eräs meppi on jo availlut keskustelua asiasta:
MEP: Labelling of gene-edited foodstuffs is impossibleAs such, Dorfmann said that experts maintain that it is impossible to differentiate whether a modification of a plant is done in the laboratory with NBTs or with conventional breeding techniques that have been used for decades, which induces changes into the genome via techniques such as ionisation.
“In my opinion, labelling is simply not possible and [without regulating gene editing] we will have plants, seeds that will come from outside Europe, where we don’t know which technology of genetic improvement was applied,” he said.
Tätä taustaa vasten tuo lausunto oli annettu:
His comments come on the back of a study released by the Greens group at the European Parliament this week that found that the vast majority (86%) of respondents that have heard of GM crops want food containing genetically modified plants to be labelled as GMOs.
Koska samaiset ryhmät myös määrittelevät geenieditoinninin GMO:ksi, johtopäätökseksi (heille) tulee, että EU:n täytyy nyt onnistua mahdottomassa, koska se on kansan enemmistön tahto.
Painetta Britannian suunnasta on, todetaan tuossakin:
On the other side of the Channel, the UK is now moving to potentially open its doors to gene-editing after leaving the EU.
Asked what effect could have on the agricultural relationship with the UK, Dorfmann said that this push will put further pressure on the EU to finally regulate this issue.
“We have a European regulation that is 20 years older than these CRISPR/Cas9 technologies,” he said, adding that the EU cannot continue to simply turn a blind eye.
“The fact that the UK, a very important partner when it comes to food products, is introducing this technology and bring products to the European market while we are not making NBTs available to our farmers, seems to me to be madness,” he concluded.
GMO-vastaiset järjestöt vaativat, että säätely ja tuonnin kontrolli sälytetään ennallaan:
● We urge you to oppose any weakening of EU GMO regulations, and to ensure the full application of the ECJ ruling of 25 July 2018 in line with the precautionary principle. To achieve this, the European Commission should support member states’ efforts to prevent the illegal contamination of EU imports with unauthorised GM crops created with new genomic techniques.
Mutta eivät sitten millään tavalla vaivaudu kertomaan, millä tavalla tuo mahdoton käytännössä tehtäisiin. Toivotaanko tuossa, että kun jäsenvaltioita siinä yrityksessä tuetaan, joku niistä ehkä keksisi, miten?
Se looginen mahdollisuus tuossa on, että kaikkea jalostustoimintaa valvotaan EU:ssa totalitaristisin menetelmin. Ja kaikki elintarviketuonti ulkopuolelta kielletään (?).